Monday, February 26, 2007

romantic experiences

Is it possible to have a romantic experience with someone that you are not in the least interested in romantically? Apparently it is for some people. I had such an experience once (at least the person I was with at the time had such an experience- I'm not sure what kind of experience I had). It all happened one moonlit night in the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt. I went out to eat with a group of people at a Chinese restaurant on the roof of a fancy hotel. Afterwards, one of the ladies with us (who was over twice my age and at least twice my size) asked me if I would like to go on a quest for juice with her. In Egypt they have these really cool juice bars where they make fresh juice from whatever kind of fruit is in season at the time. We walked to a nearby juice bar and I believe we each drank a strawberry juice. Then my companion suggested that we try a different juice bar that she had heard was spectacular and compare the juices. This particular juice bar was situated along the coast out towards the peninsula where the ancient lighthouse used to stand. Neither of us was exactly sure where this juice bar was exactly so we just started walking and kept walking and kept walking and walked some more and then we walked even further. Just when we were about to give up and turn around there it was. It was like we had stumbled into a tropical paradise: there were bananas and watermelons and mangoes hanging from the ceiling and piled up all around us. The only problem was that they didn't have any strawberries. But that was ok, cuz the watermelon juice was better than any strawberry juice I'd ever had. Anyway, we sat there and sipped on our juice and listened to the waves crash along the shore and had a nice conversation. Then, my companion noticed the horse drawn carriages that kept going up and down the road along the coastline. Nothing could be more romantic than a carriage ride along the coast in Alexandria (that is if you ignore the traffic and the honking and the yelling and all of the people staring at you because you're white). So caught a carriage and proceeded to ride along the coast towards the old fortress of Qait Bay and then back down to the Library of Alexandria. The mosques were all lit up in bright white and green lights and the library was a bright glowing blue. The moon sat in the sky above us (actually I have no memory of there being a moon, but it adds to the romantic feel of the evening). My companion looked over at me and said "Isn't this romantic." Then she added (to my relief) "You know, you don't have to be with your beau to have a romantic experience." In the end the evening was very nice and I had a good time- but it would have been nice to have had such a "romantic" experience with someone that I was romantically interested in.

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