Thursday, February 01, 2007


I've had the same pair of glasses for about six years now- which might be a world record. I've never had any troubles with them until just recently I noticed that one of the screws is loose. So today I was messing around with it and popped it out, which wasn't supposed to happen. The screw landed on the floor and is now lost among a jungle of carpet fibers. Considering the fact that glass frame screws are only slightly larger than a protazoa, I gave up after only a few minutes of searching. I can't really live without my glasses so I stuck a staple in the hole and twisted it around pretty good. I would really like to get lasik so that I don't have to worry about glasses troubles anynmore- and so that I can enjoy the luxury of wearing sunglasses whenever I want to.


Anonymous said...

zac, i think our studio 600 adventure deserves an entry on this fiiiiiiine blog of yours. just a thought. hahah

Anonymous said...

oh and this is rachel. i can't figure out how to comment using my name....... without logging onto my account........ cuz my account contains my emo blogs from middle school and they are way embarrassing.

sarahflib said...

How 'bout contacts? Way simpler than Lasik. I'm scared of people cutting my eyes (even with a laser) because it'd be so sad to be the one in the 1 in 100,000 that go blind . . .