Saturday, February 17, 2007

Politically minded

Well, I've been doing really good at staying away from political issues in my blogging, but most people who know me very well, know that I tend to have somewhat strong political views. After looking at the candidates who are running for president in 2008 I've decided to support Barack Obama as the best candidate for president. Some of my fellow Mormons may be disappointed that I'm going for Mitt Romney, but with his latest appeals to the "Christian" Right, he lost my vote. I consider myself a Democrat, usually, although I try to avoid labels. I've heard before that you can't be a good Mormon and a Democrat, but I will argue that I am a Democrat because I am a Mormon. I strongly believe that Mormon values are more in line with the principles of the Democratic Party. I'll write more about this later, but for now I've added a link to the Mormons for Obama blog- its got some good stuff, including a blog about why the Iraq war is not in line with LDS teachings.

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