Friday, March 02, 2007

strange bathroom behavior

The other day I walked into a bathroom in one of the buildings on campus and was immediately caught off guard by something not common to men's restrooms: talking. And not only that, but the person doing the talking was in a stall! I immediately noticed that both of the stalls in the bathroom were occupied and I jumped to the conclusion that guys in the two different stalls were talking to each other. Then I realized that I was only hearing one voice. I finally decided that the guy was either talking on his cell phone or to himself, or that the guy in the other stall just wasn't responding for some reason. But come on, who talks on their cell phone while using the restroom- especially a public one. This experience made me wonder if I've ever had a phone conversation with someone who was sitting on a toilet in a public restroom. For some reason it seems like this might be a more common practice among women. Maybe some ladies can inform me.


Anonymous said...

I personally don't if only for the fear that they will hear the toilet flush in the stall next to me and I'll be found out. It would be highly embarrassing, but I really am not sure why now that I think about it. It's not like you are having a video conference, they can't see what you are doing in the bathroom. Maybe it's the visual that makes it a bad move...

Anonymous said...

I believe my former roommate talked on the phone in the bathroom. Once I even heard her screaming to someone about how she clogged the toilet again...

...perhaps its more than just the visual. People just don't need to know that kind of stuff. Unless they are plumbers.