Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hypothetical Situation

Don't you love it when people ask you a question about a "hypothetical situation" thats so obviously real that your answer begins with, "I think you should....." That happened to me today. After I began to answer, the person who had asked the question decided that if she re-asked it and switched the genders of the people in the story that it would make it "more" hypothetical. All it really did was make it weird because she was referring to herself as a "he" and to the boy as a "she". She succeeded at confusing me, but I was surprised at how well she kept the "he"s and the "she"s consistent throughout the story. In the end the answer was still, "Just marry him."


daniel.perry said...

okay, lets say a girl visits your funny blog and wants to leave a really clever comment, but can't seem to come up with anything good, what should he... er, I mean, she do?

Anonymous said...

Suppose, a, a guy was to tell you that a certain, girl named...crap! I think I successfully confused myself.