Thursday, January 18, 2007

Am I Delusional too?

The last two nights I have been watching the new season of American Idol just like the majority of American TV viewers. At first I actually felt like a bad person for indulging in entertainment that exploits the embarassment of other people. But then I realized that America has a problem with delusionality. I think that sometimes we focus too much on pursuing our dreams whatever they may be. Rather, we should look at our lives and figure out who we are, what talents we do and do not have, and how much we are willing to sacrifice for our dreams b4 we start dreaming. Well, I'm afraid that I may also have the "American Idol" complex. I recently applied to be a contestant on The Amazing Race. I might embarass myself worse than some of the American Idol wannabes. Am I delusional too?

1 comment:

sarahflib said...

You might be delusional Zac, but if any delusions are good to have, then I think they should definitely involve travel. :) If I were ever going to try out for some show, the Amazing Race would definitely be it (even though I never really watch TV, I've heard a lot about that show and it sounds like quite the adventure). Either that or Double Dare. Well, at any rate, let me know if you need a savvy co-traveler who speaks German. And may your delusions come true.