Wednesday, January 31, 2007

blind dates

My aunt Jamie, who is one of the funniest people I know, has been working very hard to arrange a marriage between her nephew (me) and her niece ( who is not my cousin). This situation officially became scary when my aunt left me a voice-mail that said something like: "Zac, you better be excited cuz I've got your wife picked out." Well, it looks like things are starting to come together and we are actually going to meet sometime in February. She lives in Rexburg, ID and, of course, I live in Salt Lake, about 4 hours apart, so we're going to meet in the middle in the thriving metropolis of Malad (which is French for disease or something) to prepare for the rest of eternity. I guess we're going to double with my un-cousin's sister, who happens to be engaged. This somewhat reminds me of the last blind date I went on. On that particular date we doubled with the girl's cousin and her date. For most of the date, the two cousins talked about family stuff that didn't make any sense to me- it was actually one of the only dates that I've been on that I couldn't wait to end. The girls name was Bret, which is my Dad's name (and my middle name), which is weird. I was really tempted to tell her that she had the same name as my Dad, but I never got the nerve. I actually regret that now. Well, I guess I'll see how this next shot at blind dating works out. At least I know that she doesn't have the same name as my Dad- but being my Aunt's niece is still kind of strange.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm your angel, baby.......

I just got my hair cut by an obese lady with oxygen tubes in her nose. She was definitely not your average beautician. After asking if I wanted dreadlocks, she proceeded to simultaneously cut my hair and sing "I'm your angel, baby, let me rock your cradle." When she was done she asked me if I was glad that she had cut my hair the way I told her to and not the way that she thought would look good. I'm not sure how I was supposed to respond to that question. Then she let me know that I didn't have any split ends, "which is a good thing," she said. What????

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bag Ladies

I saw an interesting statistic in Harper's Index: the chance that white American women worry about becoming bag ladies is 1 in 2. The chance that African-American women worry about becoming bag ladies is 1 in 3. Why are women so worried about becoming bag ladies? I don't think very many women actually experience being bag ladies during their lifetime, and anyway, would it really be that bad?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hypothetical Situation

Don't you love it when people ask you a question about a "hypothetical situation" thats so obviously real that your answer begins with, "I think you should....." That happened to me today. After I began to answer, the person who had asked the question decided that if she re-asked it and switched the genders of the people in the story that it would make it "more" hypothetical. All it really did was make it weird because she was referring to herself as a "he" and to the boy as a "she". She succeeded at confusing me, but I was surprised at how well she kept the "he"s and the "she"s consistent throughout the story. In the end the answer was still, "Just marry him."

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Any Qataris Out There?

I need to find 15 people from Qatar who speak Arabic. If you are Qatari please let me know.

Am I Delusional too?

The last two nights I have been watching the new season of American Idol just like the majority of American TV viewers. At first I actually felt like a bad person for indulging in entertainment that exploits the embarassment of other people. But then I realized that America has a problem with delusionality. I think that sometimes we focus too much on pursuing our dreams whatever they may be. Rather, we should look at our lives and figure out who we are, what talents we do and do not have, and how much we are willing to sacrifice for our dreams b4 we start dreaming. Well, I'm afraid that I may also have the "American Idol" complex. I recently applied to be a contestant on The Amazing Race. I might embarass myself worse than some of the American Idol wannabes. Am I delusional too?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy MLK, JR. Day

This year I went all out with the MLK JR. Day celebrations. It started last week with a performance of Angela's Mix tape starring Eisa Davis on Tuesday. Wednesday I went to the lecture by Angela Davis and decided that I don't like prisons (I'm not sure what to do about that, though). Friday was the MLK Commission on Human Rights luncheon at which the President of Spellman College in Atlanta spoke. I also met a creepy guy named Steven there, but thats a story for another time. Friday night I went to a concert by the Spellman College Glee Club. On Monday the festivities culminated with an electrifying performance by Guapale. I think she's pregnant- if anyone knows for sure let me know. Anyway, I hope everybody's Martin Luther King Jr. Day was as good as mine.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Zac's got Crap for Brains

I am writing this blog to officially confess to myself and the world that I am an official sign-up-aholic. I am aware that this is the first step to recovery. I've had this problem since I was in high school and I signed up for the French club, the German club, the Civic club, Jazz band, Pep band, Cross-country, track, school musicals and plays, choir, wood shop, seminary, ballroom dance, hike and bike club, academic olympiad, and Aca-deca. I think I even signed up for the Business Professionals of America, and I know I wanted to sign up for Future Farmers of America. Anyway, this has continued to haunt me- like the day I signed up for three different marathons, and the day I signed up for a second major, and the day I signed up for a global scavenger hunt (this was like three days ago). This morning I went to a scholarship fair hoping to sign up for some scholarships but left after signing up for a dance-a-thon. I signed up to be a package handler at UPS once and ended up doing that for a year and half. My co-workers loved to make fun of me. Everyday they would taunt me: "Zac's got crap for brains". After signing up for a dance-a-thon I'm wondering if they were right. Its a 26 and a half hour dancing event at the Student Union and I can't even sleep! Well, I've done the first step to recovery, but I'm not sure what to do next. If anyone is familiar with the steps to overcoming addictions please let me know.
*this post has been edited from its original form in consideration of my more sensitive readers.