Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Last year I made a resolution to do Bikram Yoga two times. My friend, Belle, did it quite regularly and had invited me to go several times. She always talked about how amazing it was and how great she felt afterward so I thought it would be a good thing for me to try. I thought that twice would be a good commitment because I think it's generally a good idea to try things twice, even if the first time isn't so great. I went with Belle one day in January, and, to be honest, I was impressed with how much heat and overall suffering my body was able to endure. I wasn't impressed enough to want to do it again though. I kept telling myself that I should go back and try again just for the principle of it and so that I could fulfill my New Year's resolution. Apparently, I'm not that principled- I failed at a resolution that would have required an entire 3 hours of my year. This year, I decided to make more pragmatic resolutions- save more money, etc.- but at the end of my list I wrote- "Run a marathon in barefoot shoes." Go figure.

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