Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Niagara Falls

Since Niagara Falls is only twenty minutes from Buffalo, we went there. Like everybody said, the Canadian side is much better than the American side, but I thought it was worth it to go to both sides. There was a couple who asked if we would take their picture in front of the falls, and of course we said yes and asked if they would take one of us afterward. They sat up on the rail and we took their picture, then we went and sat on the rail while they took our picture. After they had left, I confessed to Napoleon that sitting on the rail was a little bit terrifying for me but I felt like I had to since the other couple had and I didn't want them to think I was a wuss. Napoleon said that he had been thinking the exact same thing. Here are some pics:

the American side

Canadian side- double rainbow

We're so brave!

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