Sunday, April 29, 2007


I bet you can't guess what this ones about? Yup, that's right- I locked my keys in my car again. The second time in a two week period. I went to a concert in Park City (Nas, in case you were wondering). About half way through the concert I realized that I had my camera and my wallet and that was all. We grabbed a wire hanger from the coat check girls and attempted to break into my Jeep. I once had a friend who was able to break into it for me with a coat hanger so I didn't think it would be too difficult. Yeah right. The best part was as I was trying to work the wire in through the window a group of girls walked past us. They were pointing at us and talking amongst themselves as if they had just discovered two burglars breaking into someone's car. They hopped in a limo and as I approached the limo to ask the driver for some help, he rolled up his window and drove away. Well, a nice guy named Deep, or Deet, or Deeb, or something like that gave us a ride home. The next day I got a new key made and Jon took me back to Park City to pick up my Jeep. I really think that I must have offended whatever force out in the Universe is in charge of making fortune cookies come true, cuz my fortune cookie has done lost its fortune.


Jon said...

Are you sure that you haven't just been ignoring the fortune cookie gods? I can't remember the last time I saw you eat a fortune cookie. Your fortune might just be out of date.

Unknown said...

Hey Zac,
I have been reading your blog, and it is quite funny. I think it really shows who you really are. Maybe this will make you feel better. I have successfully blown a glass pan to pieces, by leaving it on a burner that was still on. I break a lot of glass things.

Unknown said...

have you thought about getting one of those hide a key devices that can attach to your car? It might stop your bad luck with keys.

i'vebeenflimped said...

I have actually- I think it might help a lot.